Purpose & Profitability Podcast - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community
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Robert Fukui sq - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Our host, Robert Fukui is a certified teacher and coach and the president of i61 Business Development Network. Robert holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from San Jose State University and an accomplished 24-year career in marketing/sales with companies such as Coca-Cola, Novartis Pharmaceutical and Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Over the course of his professional career, he has been privileged to be instrumental in the launch of six major brands, personally responsible for over $150 million in revenue and a recipient of national sales and leadership development awards. His successful experience in sales/marketing through ever-changing economic conditions has positioned him to be able to assist other businesses to achieve similar success in any economic environment.

Stay the Course

As you’re building your business, one of the hardest things to do is make a…

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Closing the Deal

Every business owner would like to close more sales deals. A successful sales call is…

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Keep it Real!

Marketing That Builds Trust. Conducting a marketing strategy that is authentic to the business and…

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Marketing Shift

Doing marketing well requires thoughtful planning and execution but the most important thing is to…

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