Why do Businesses Fail? - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Why do Businesses Fail?

unbelievable fail
“Therefore whoever
hears these sayings of Mine,
and does them, I will liken him
to a wise man who built his house on
the rock: and the rain descended, the floods
came, and the winds blew and beat on that house;
and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”
Matthew 7:24-25 (NKJV)

The question above was asked by an accomplished Christian educator who was one of my early advisors. This question confronted me early in my journey, during a pivotal moment as I was developing the concept of Biblical Entrepreneurship. At that stage, my understanding was evolving, but one thing was clear – being a Kingdom business doesn’t guarantee success, nor does it eliminate the possibility of failure.

Since sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, death has become a part of the human experience. People and organizations die. However, just as you can extend an individual’s life through diet, exercise, and self-care, the life of a business can also be prolonged and fortified.

Here are the top 25 reasons that businesses commonly fail:

1. Under funding
2. Lack of planning
3. Inadequate management team
4. Ineffective marketing
5. Lack of preparation
6. Unwise counsel
7. Lack of innovation
8. Complacency
9. Premature launch
10. Moral failure
11. Lack of community
12. Lack or insufficient systems
13. Rapid growth

14. Bad management
15. Lack of focus and perseverance
16. Health failure
17. Government interference
18. Natural disaster
19. Marital instability
20. Family dysfunction
21. Bribery and extortion
22. Terrorism
23. Lack of clarity of purpose and mission
24. Pride
25. No exit strategy

Interested to dive deeper into this topic?

Join me tomorrow (January 9, 2025) from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM PST for us FREE online EC Seminar on the topic. Simply click on the button below to get yourself registered: 

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