“See that you make them according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” - Exodus 25: 40
Planning is the ability to tap into the mind of God and gather the necessary details on how the vision He gave you will be implemented. It requires you to carefully do your research so you can effectively support and communicate the assumptions you make throughout the plan based on the revelations that the Lord has given you.
Planning is essential to the success of any business. It is key to not only starting the business but to managing the business as well. Can you imagine Moses building the Tabernacle of God without a plan from God, or Jesus fulfilling His purpose on the earth without the blueprints of the Old Testament to make references to and be guided by? Effective management begins with planning, which leads to setting goals.
Planning is the most important function in establishing a business. The sad reality is that most entrepreneurs do not bother to plan. The excuse often is time, know-how, or they just feel it is not necessary. No doubt about it, planning is hard work. It involves thinking, and thinking is hard work. In essence, planning is solving future problems before they occur, making decisions, speculating on the future (both far and near), setting objectives (long and short range), considering alternatives, and making choices.
Planning for the future requires flexibility to cope with the unexpected. You must set timetables and establish priorities; decide on the methods to be used and the people who will be involved. You must analyze the existing situation, formulate and apply targets, logic, and creativity to all details in between.
Planning gives purpose and direction to your daily activities. Without it, your activities are aimless and uncoordinated. Whether you are a start-up business or a growing business, if you have not developed a plan or updated your existing plan, it is essential that you do so, not just for your sake, but for the sake of those who are called to co-labor with you.
Keys to successful planning:
- Seek the Lord for clarity and direction
- Determine the type of plan and engage your team
- Clarify your purpose and mission
- Update your internal and external assessments
- Develop your strategy or operation plan
- Update your financial plan based on your new strategy
- Develop your monitoring systems
Eliminate the excuses, overcome the procrastination, discipline yourself, and write your plan. Just doing it will be a reward in itself.