So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work. – Nehemiah 4:6 |
First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your continued support and financial partnership in our shared mission to build Kingdom businesses globally through the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community centers.

Speaking at Clark County Prayer Breakfast
Recently, I had the honor of being invited to speak for the second time at the Clark County Prayer Breakfast — an annual gathering in our city where county-wide public officials, civic leaders, church representatives, and business leaders come together to pray for our county and nation. This opportunity arose unexpectedly as the original speaker faced denial by his company’s legal department, fearing potential controversy. It’s disheartening to witness a climate where corporations are hesitant to be associated with matters of faith due to the fear of lawsuits or being canceled.
Yet, what the enemy intended for evil, God used for good. This turn of events allowed me to inspire our community toward a Kingdom approach to giving back. I challenged our business community to stand up for Christ with courage and boldness, regardless of potential consequences. We must not be ashamed of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As I reflected on this message, I couldn’t help but think of you and the significant contributions you’ve made — your time, talent, and treasure — to advance the mission of the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community. In appreciation for your support and encouragement, I’ve outlined the key points of the message below, along with a link to the video. It is a great message to enjoy with your family and friends as you celebrate this Thanksgiving Day.
Giving Back to our Community
1. What does it mean to give back?
Contribute time, talent, and treasure to ensure the flourishing of our community.
2. How do you give back to the community?
- Be compelled by a need – Nehemiah 1:3
- Seek God in prayer – Nehemiah 1:5
- Be willing to contribute your time, talent, and treasure – Nehemiah 1:11
- Rally the necessary resources – Nehemiah 2:7-8
- Develop a strategy based on where you fit in the 7 mountains of influence – Nehemiah 3:1-2
- Beware of the Sanballats and Tobiahs – Nehemiah 2:19
- Be committed until it is done – Nehemiah 6:15
3. What is the vision of a community where everyone is giving back?
- In Business, resources are stewarded with innovation and integrity to ensure abundant provision and distribution to our community and to the world.
- In Government, elected officials and civil servants promote righteousness and protect the innocent through the dispensation of biblical mercy and justice.
- In Media, information is interpreted responsibly and promoted with integrity, wisdom, balance, and truthfulness for the glory of God.
- In arts and entertainment, truth is celebrated and honored through creative and artistic expression.
- The Family reflects and honors God’s definition of family and marriage and nurtures communities that reflect the image and likeness of God.
- Educations teaches and promotes truth – spiritual, intellectual, and moral – from kindergarten to university.
- Finally, Religion should reflect the worship of God in spirit and in truth, both in the church and in the world.

Thank you once more for your unwavering commitment, contributing your time, talent, and treasure to collaborate with us in building Kingdom businesses globally. Additionally, thanks to the generosity of two key donors, every contribution you make to our cause will now be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $60,000, doubling the impact of your gift. As a token of our appreciation, you’ll also receive a complimentary e-copy of my upcoming book, The Nehemiah Business Lifecycle: How to Increase Your Business Success Rate by 50%.
Your generous gift will play a crucial role in accelerating our economic engine and expanding our impact, allowing us to reduce our dependence on donations gradually. To make your end-of-year contribution, please click HERE or send your gift to 715 NW Onsdorff Blvd, Battle Ground, WA 98604.
Your continued support is instrumental in our mission’s success, and we are deeply grateful for your dedication to building a global community of Kingdom businesses.
Sent in love from your grateful and humble servant,

Patrice Tsague, Chief Servant Office